Medicine Administration Policy
At The Man In The Moon, we prioritise the safety and well-being of all children in our care, including those who require prescription medication. To ensure safe and effective administration of medication, the following procedures are strictly adhered to:
Prior Consent: Parents/carers must complete a Medicine Administration Form in advance for any prescribed medication. Medication will not be administered without prior written consent.
Personal Responsibility: Ideally, children should take their medication before arriving. If not possible, children may be encouraged to take personal responsibility for their medication if appropriate. Medication carried by children (e.g., asthma inhalers) will be kept safe until needed, labelled with the child's name.
Prescription Requirement: We can only administer medication prescribed by a doctor, dentist, nurse, or pharmacist. Medication containing aspirin can only be administered if specifically prescribed by a doctor. All medicines must have a prescription sticker with the child's name, date, type of medicine, and dosage.
Administration Responsibility: A designated crew member will administer the medication or witness self-administration by the child. The designated person ensures the medication is properly labelled, securely stored, and records its receipt on the Medication Administration Form.
Before Administration: The designated crew member checks for written consent and asks another crew member to witness correct dosage administration.
After Administration: Details of medication administration are recorded on the Medicine Administration Form. The parent/carer must sign the form to confirm receipt of medication upon its return.
Refusal of Medication: If a child refuses medication, crew members do not force them. The incident is noted on the Medicine Administration Form, and the parent/carer is informed.
Specialist Medication: Medications like EpiPens require specialist training before use. Training is arranged promptly for trained crew members authorised to administer such medications.
Changes in Medication: Any changes in medication (dosage, frequency) require a new Medicine Administration Form completed by the parent/carer.
Long-Term Medical Conditions: Children with long-term medical conditions require a medical care plan from their doctor, outlining symptoms and treatment. This ensures clarity on the child's medical needs.
Related Policies:
This policy should be read alongside our Illness and Accident policy.
Review and Update:
Reviewed: 25 June 2024
Review Period: Every 24 months