Complaints Procedure
At The Man In The Moon, we are committed to providing a high-quality service in partnership with parents/carers. If you feel we have fallen short, please let us know so we can address and improve upon the issue.
Complaints Records:
Records of all complaints will be maintained for a minimum of three years.
A summary of complaints is available to parents/carers upon request.
Complaints are logged in our Complaints Log for documentation and review purposes.
Handling Complaints:
Stage One:
Complaints about our activities: We encourage an informal discussion with the parent/carer to seek a satisfactory resolution promptly.
Complaints about a crew member: If appropriate, we encourage direct discussion with the crew member involved. If this is not feasible, the matter will be escalated to Paul Branch, who will address the issue with the crew member to find a resolution.
Stage Two:
If the complaint cannot be resolved informally, the parent/carer should submit a written complaint to Paul Branch.
We will acknowledge receipt of the complaint within 7 days.
An investigation will be conducted, and we aim to notify the complainant of the outcome within 28 days.
A comprehensive written response will be provided, which may include recommended changes to our practices or policies.
We may arrange a meeting with relevant parties, either collectively or individually, to discuss the response and any further actions.
Serious Issues:
For concerns involving child protection, we will refer to the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) and follow our Safeguarding policy.
If a criminal act is suspected, we will contact the police immediately.
Complaints to Ofsted:
Parents/carers have the right to escalate complaints to Ofsted at any time.
Contact details for Ofsted are as follows:
Address: Ofsted, Piccadilly Gate, Store Street, Manchester M1 2WD
Telephone: 0300 123 1231 (general enquiries), 0300 123 4666 (complaints)​
Related Policies:
This policy should be read alongside our Safeguarding.
Review and Update:
Reviewed: 25 June 2024
Review Period: Every 24 months